El Camino is an ordinary church. In a world that is obsessed with the new and extraordinary, even when it comes to the church and spirituality, our approach to the Christian life is different. It's not that we're trying to be uncool or attempting to bore anyone, but only that we want to be careful to do what God has promised to bless. We enjoy historic liturgy, wooden pews, old hymns, well-crafted prayers, and most of all, the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed in both word and sacrament each week.
Just as Luke writes in Acts 2, "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers," so we seek to emphasize these very things. In other words, our focus is on the ordinary means of grace: the Word, the sacraments, and prayer, both for believers and their children.
We may not be the church you've been looking for, but we may be just the church you need. Come visit us!